Who We Are

In a world racing against time, two holistic health enthusiasts embarked on a mission to slow down and make a difference. They didn't just want to create another supplement brand; they aimed to build something more meaningful - a tribe, a family, a community. Thus, Neo Trybe was born, under the powerful mantra "Born to Thrive." Our journey is not just about promoting wellness through products; it's about nurturing a space where like-minded souls connect, support, and uplift each other on their paths to holistic well-being.

Our Vision

At Neo Trybe, we dream of a world where connection and community are the cornerstones of well-being. Our vision extends beyond providing essential daily supplements; it encompasses creating an engaged tribe that thrives together. We envision a future where Neo Trybe members can step away from the fast-paced modern world and recharge in a community-based retreat, reconnecting with their highest selves and nature. This sanctuary will be a haven for those seeking to replenish their spirit, mind, and body amidst like-minded individuals.

NeoTrybe Community

Our Mission

Our mission is simple yet profound: to help people achieve and sustain a healthy, holistic state of being. At Neo Trybe, we understand that true wellness encompasses more than just the physical; it's a harmonious blend of mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Through our carefully crafted supplements and the supportive community we're building, we're here to guide you on your journey to a fuller, more vibrant life.

NeoTrybe Community

What we do

"We help people to achieve and sustain a healthy, holistic state of being." This statement encapsulates our commitment to your wellness journey, providing you with the tools, community, and environment necessary to thrive.

We believe that world need more CHANGE

Community - Building a supportive and thriving community.

Holistic - Embracing a holistic approach to health and well-being.

Authenticity - Ensuring authenticity in all our actions and products.

Novelty - Innovating and embracing new ideas to enhance our holistic journey.

Growth - Encouraging personal and collective growth.

Empowerment - Empowering individuals to thrive, not just survive.